Nocturnal Journal W/ Dave Hoekstra Full Show 06/16/19

Tonight on Nocturnal Journal:

Despite a late start, Host Dave Hoekstra gets the ball rolling as he and owner of the historic Jubelt’s Bakery & Restaurant on Route 66 Jean Jubelt talk tourism on Route 66, the history behind Jubelt’s Bakery & Restaurant, and their most popular items on the menu.

The now full service restaurant that began as a small bakery in 1922 and has grown into Route 66’s most well known tourist spots.

You can visit Jubelt’s Bakery & Restaurant in Litchfield, IL at 303 North Old Route 66 or online at 

Jubelt’s is open 6A-8P daily. Be sure to join them this weekend for their Father’s Day Brunch!

Listen to the full show here:

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Keep the conversation going with Dave on Twitter! @DaveHoekstra66

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